Value God’s Word! IV

Value God’s Word! IV

Today I would like to continue talking about the importance of God’s Word.

We saw what God spoke through Moses that God’s Word is our life. We also talked about the fact that our attitude towards the Word can either prolong our life or shorten it. We have already seen in the parables of Jesus that our attitude towards God’s Word determines the strength of our foundation, our life and all the things we are building. Yesterday we also talked about the fact that God’s Word is able to change our disappointments into joy, bankruptcy – into abundance. We saw all of it in the life of Peter. I would like for us to look at the verses that talk about Peter when he was utterly failing and ready to give up.

Value God’s Word!

Value God’s Word!

Today God wants to tell us the same thing. The Word of God is life to us. When God sends us His Word, He offers us life. Rejecting the Word of God we reject life itself. Moses says about God’s Word: «For it is not a futile thing for you, because it is your life…»

It is extremely important for us to appreciate the Word of God and not to treat it as something futile, – it is not like a song that we have listened to and then gone to do our own will. It should be to us like the greatest treasure. We have to value God’s Word, to hide it in our hearts, to appreciate it because it is life to us. God says that through the Word and through our right attitude towards it we can extend or prolong our days. Our attitude toward the Word determines whether we will extend our life or shorten it.

I can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens me!

I can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens me!

When we cast all our worries on the Lord, a sincere joy appears fills our hearts and the soul begins to sing a new song. When somebody fully relies on God, he stops chanting the old songs like: “Oh, I am weak! Oh no, I can´t accomplish it! Oh, I am definitely gonna fail! Oh, I am so poor!”

When a person casts his worries on the Lord who cares for us, his mouth will sing a new song: “Let the weak say I am strong! I can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens me! My God meets all my needs! God is my shepherd, I lack nothing! I destroy my enemies with God! I am healed by the wounds of Jesus.”

Do not bury your miracle!

Do not bury your miracle!

Today I want to encourage you not to burry your dream, even when everything around you tells you that it won’t ever come true. There is such a thing as the power of resurrection. That is the word I want to bring to you.

We started to talk about a woman whose hospitality and generosity brought a miracle into her life, and as a result she gave birth to a son.

The generosity and hospitality that opens doors for God’s intervention II

The generosity and hospitality that opens doors for God’s intervention II

When we are hospitable, when we are willing to help people and to share with them what we have, when we do everything in our power to make our guests feel comfortable, when we minister to people from the bottoms of our hearts, then we, as God says, unwittingly show hospitality to angels that bring God’s gifts and blessings to people. By casting people off, we can also reject God’s angels.

The principle of a right confession

The principle of a right confession

God helped Abraham to believe Him, Who calls those things which do not exist as though they did.
This is the principle of right confession. God calls those things that do not exist as though they did. When God gave Abram a new name – Abraham, he did not have any descendants. Neverthelss, because of this new name Abraham began calling himself “a father of many nations”. And when he called himself by name or he was called by others – every time what God had purposed was confessed – particularly that Abraham is going to be a father of many nations. We see that Abraham „contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations…”

The importance of unity II

The importance of unity II

I thank God for this day and believe that this day will be filled with the blessings from the Lord.
Today I’d like to continue on the topic I talked about yesterday – the importance of unity. We saw that when you have a strong team every house will be built and every project will be completed. That kind of team will always achieve victory.
In the Bible we see that Jesus also talked about the importance of unity.

The importance of unity

The importance of unity

This Scripture tells us that the people had one goal, they had one language, and they put forth a unified effort, and it says about them that “now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them”. God said that because of their unity they would be successful in everything that they do.
In the Bible God often speaks to His people about unity. Unity is a very important key that allows us as God’s people or the Church to fulfill the will of God and our calling in this earth.

When you live in obedience to His Word, God protects you from sorrows and tragedies that fill this world nowadays

When you live in obedience to His Word, God protects you from sorrows and tragedies that fill this world nowadays

Today I would like to point out a very important truth: if you are obedient to God in your actions and in your life in general, then the very same thing that destroys others will lift you up.
In the Scripture above we can see that the same waters, which destroyed the world by flooding it, raised Noah’s ark that he had built according to the Word of God. The very same waters destroyed some people and lifted up somebody else – Noah. To the faithful Noah, flood waters brought salvation.

Will you become a person like Noah for your generation?

Will you become a person like Noah for your generation?

„This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.” (Genesis 6:9)
1. Noah was a just man.
2. Noah was a just and perfect man in his kin and his generation.
3. Noah walked with God.
When God finds a man like that, He establishes His covenant with him.