How can we earn promotion? II

Greetings to you on this wonderful day! God is always good! And this day is a confirmation of it! God’s mercy has been renewed for us this morning! Every new day is a proof of God’s love and mercy towards us!We are talking about how we can earn God’s promotion. Yesterday we saw that promotion comes to a person if he or she is obedient to God and walks in the light of God’s Word. Who of you desires for God to be with you as the Partner at home, at work, and everywhere else? God wants it more than we do. But God can not deviate from His principles. Many believers deceive themselves thinking that God is with them, even though their life does not testify of it. It is a paradox. You may think that since God has promised to be with you and never to leave you or forsake you, He is indebted to be with you. It is also possible that God is with us, but not in a pleasant way. It is not about God; it is about how we live.Do you remember the story of Samson? Samson was a man who was abundantly blessed by God because of the covenant; nevertheless, having disobeyed God, Samson lost his high position with Him. One time Samson woke up thinking that everything was the same and God was still with him. It was self-deception; he had forgotten that God cannot be with disobedient people. God wants us to learn it.At the same time, I do not want to emphasize the negative side alone, because we are to preach good news. But there are some conditions.
«For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another» (Psalm, 75:6-7).
Exaltation and promotion do not depend on me. I can and I should work very hard, but the promotion comes from God alone. It is God’s nature to exalt people. There is no desire in Him to humble us. Jesus said that He came to give life in abundance. The verse above tells us that God puts down those that for some reason have become unworthy of exaltation. When God is forced to humble a person, then the exaltation that was meant for him or her returns back to God. The desire to be exalted is the reason why we work and strain. So, God says that some people are worthy of exaltation and some are not. My desire is that you would never go to lower than your present level.When God exalts a person, often there are changes in his habits, his behaviour, and his thinking. Many people lose their simplicity after exaltation; this exaltation causes them to be prideful. That should not be, because God opposes prideful people. The proud ones will be humbled.God is interested in our promotion, but He wants us to remain humble. A prideful person forgets that place where they have come from; he forgets that God has given him the promotion. You may say that you have worked hard, have not slept at night and have earned your high position. You should remember that only God exalts. Remember it always! The Bible says that God gives grace to the humble and opposes the prideful. So, when God exalts you, remain humble, simple and open; then God’s promotion will not end in your life.Till tomorrow!Peace to you!Pastor Rufus Ajiboye

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