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 I thank God for you, and believe that this day will bring you blessings as much as you ponder and apply the word that God gives us today. We continue talking about the importance of prayer and the nature of effective prayer. Yesterday we talked about the fact that Satan is afraid of those believers who pray, so he is doing all he can so that the children of God would not pray. Effective prayer of a believer is a serious threat to Satan´s plans and actions.Why does Satan hate it and is afraid of the prayers of the children of God? This is because in a prayer, we and God become a team – an invincible team. In the Book of Daniel, there is a description of an event when a certain group of people prompted the king to issue a law prohibiting contact in a prayer with the living God. Except for the living God, they were allowed to pray any other gods. They were allowed to ask for help to people, but not only living God. And it was Satan´s plan. Why does Satan put these obstacles? Because he realized that the prayer is power. But Daniel still continued to pray. Prayer is a struggle. We live in a battlefield, we are fighting. And prayer is the most effective weapon in this war. In the battle of the good against evil, prayer is the most effective tool. Very often, in order to change the nation or to overset the old rule and establish a new one, people choose revolution, thinking that now everything will be fine. It is a fraud! Which one of you has observed how one government replaces another, but everything still remains as it was before. Do you know why? It is because, in the battle of the good against the evil, political revolution is not an effective weapon. The most powerful tool in this fight is prayer.The Bible says,
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour.”(1 Timothy 2:1-3).
Why does the Bible say that we should pray for the country and the rulers? Because when we pray for the country, God is working in people´s hearts and minds, people change, and only then there is a change in the country. So, prayer – it is a struggle. Prayer – it is an opportunity to come to God´s throne of grace. And it is our privilege – to come to the throne where God sits solemnly.In Hebrews 4:16 it is written,
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Did you know that not everyone can come to the king? In the Old Testament, we read about Esther. Despite the fact that she was a queen, she could not go to the king any time she wanted, if the king had not asked her. But in Hebrews 4:16, is says that through a prayer, we are privileged to come in the presence of the Lord of lords any time and any place. Through a prayer, we have an access to God. It is a prayer that helps us enter God’s presence.If you want to sense a real presence of God, start praying. It is a prayer that will lead you into God’s presence. And when you are in His presence, all things change.Do you now see why prayer is so important and why Jesus said that we should always pray? We should always pray, because a prayer is our life with God, it is our cooperation with God, it is our breathing.May the Lord bless you on this wonderful day!Until tomorrow!Pastor Rufus Ajiboyex

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